Vintermagi 2024

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As the snow falls in Elvenar, the Winter's Stage is set for something far more magical than your average winter festival - The Act of Giving! Led by the wise Yeti Yotoham and the ever-mischievous Boblin, this play promises to be a performance like no other. With yetis, goblins, and a lesson in generosity at its core, Yeti Santa will try to teach the goblins that giving can be just as rewarding as hoarding... if they ever listen.

But that's not the only story you will want to catch. Frostbeard’s Monologue will keep you guessing as to whether he's frozen in thought or just literally frozen, while the soul-stirring tunes of A Frosty Fugue will tug at your heartstrings. And for those sitting in The Cold Corner, well, bring a blanket!

This winter join the fun, savour the music, and witness a spectacle that will leave you warm inside... despite the snow!

Uppdrag & Uppdragsmilstolpar

Precis som med tidigare event består denna uppdragslinje av två sektioner - en historiesektion och en extra episodisk uppdragslinje som startar så fort historielinjen är avslutad. Det betyder att du kommer att kunna avsluta den första uppdragsserien med en gång och att de senare uppdragen släpps en gång om dagen och tillåter dig att göra ett nytt eventuppdrag varje dag, så länge eventet varar.

Ytterligare fördelar kommer med att klara av eventuppdragen, då varje avslutat uppdrag för dig närmare en av milstolparna som ger dig fler belöningar bara genom att nå dem.

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Event Menu

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Each completed quest will give you Postal Keys Postal Keys.png as a reward and they are automatically added to the Event Menu. With the Postal Keys you can open Postal Boxes to win precious and unique Event Buildings and other items. Opening the Postal Boxes will also grant you Winter Gifts Winter Gifts.png to progress towards the Grand Prizes, but that's not all! In this years Winter Magic Event, when opening a Postal Box, a Postal Star is added to the Special Powers counter. Once you have gathered the required amount you can then use it activate Special Powers to further turn the odds in your favour!

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By clicking the Event Menu icon you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to put the Postal Keys you gathered to use:

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  1. The time remaining until the event ends.
  2. The current Grand Prize you are working towards and a preview of the next one to come (Click on the "Claim" button to collect the Grand Prize).
  3. Displays how many Winter Gifts Winter Gifts.png have been delivered and shows current progress towards unlocking the Grand Prizes.
  4. When you see that you have reached 5/5 Reroll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Reroll button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!
  5. Your Daily Exclusive Prize. Hover over the building for its description.
  6. The amount of Postal Keys Postal Keys.png you have collected and not yet spent.
  7. Leagues: allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
  8. Allows you to buy Postal Keys with Premium currency.
  9. Uli, the new delivery trainee owl: As you hand Winter Gifts from Postal Boxes to Uli, Uli will follow the path to the current Grand Prize.
  10. Postal Boxes which you can open with Postal Keys to win a reward and obtain Winter Gifts and Postal Stars.
  11. Special Powers: "Reveal Two" and "Double Reward" - When the required number of Postal Boxes have been opened, you can use these to reveal two random rewards or double the reward in the next Postal Box opened. "Shuffle" can be activated using Postal Keys whenever you want to get a new set of Postal Boxes.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Winter Magic

Postal Keys

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You start the Winter Magic event with 50 Postal Keys Postal Keys.png and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Every day you play during the Event, you will receive a Daily Winter Magic login reward of 30 Postal Keys Postal Keys.png.

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Also, from time to time, you will find more Postal Keys around your city outskirts for you to collect.

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You can then use the Postal Keys to open Postal Boxes. Additional Postal Keys are unlocked upon reaching the second and fourth Quest Milestone.

Remember that the Winter Magic event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that you will no longer be able to use your Postal Keys to open Postal Boxes and earn awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Postal Boxes

Each day the Winter Magic Event starts with a total of 16 locked Postal Boxes that are just waiting for you to open them using Postal Keys. At the start of each day, you will be presented with a new selection of rewards hidden within the Postal Boxes. To give you an idea of what you can win, the rewards are visible at first but you must "Shuffle" them before you open the doors to claim them.

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You can activate a manual "Shuffle" at any point in time, once you have the required 45 Postal Keys.


Use your Postal Keys to open a Postal Box. Each one will give you a Winter Gift plus one of many different rewards like the changing Daily Exclusives, Instants, Knowledge Points, Rune Shards, Special Buildings or more Postal Keys.

Hint:If you have already found the prizes you were looking for, using the Shuffle button to get a new set of closed doors might be a good strategy.

Special Powers

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Each time you open a Postal Box, 1 Postal Star is added to the Special Powers counter. Once you have gathered the required amount you can then use the respective Power to further increase your odds!

There are 3 Special Powers you can use:
Wintermagic2020 special1.png Reshuffle - At a cost of 45 Postal Keys it presents you with new rewards, closes all previously opened Postal Boxes and allows you to "shuffle" them again.
Wintermagic2020 special2.png 2x - Doubles up the rewards in the next Postal Box that is opened after activation.
Wintermagic2020 reveal.png Magnifier - Shows the contents of two, as yet unopened, Postal Boxes.
Please Note:You cannot continue to collect additional Postal Stars if a Special Power is ready to use. Only after a Special Power has been used will the counter start increasing again with each new door opened.

Winter Gifts

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Each time you open a Postal Box, you will be rewarded with a Winter Gift. If you have used the "2x" Special Power before opening a Postal Box, you will receive two Winter Gifts.

Every Postal Box you open also contains a Winter Gift that Uli, the delivery owl, will deliver to your citizens. Once Uli has delivered a total of 20 Winter Gifts, the next Grand Prize is unlocked for you.

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As always, many different items and buildings can be won in the Winter event. Make sure to play regularly to make the most out of all your options!

Evolving Building

This Winter event brings back a new Evolving Building Set. This means that a new Evolving Building is integrated into a Building Set, yes you have read that right! Which also means that you can have the best of both buildings in your city.

The Act of Giving

You can collect The Act of Giving in the first waypoint on Grand Prizes lane, it can be evolved up to 5 stages to add new production options and also provide more of the options already added. When you evolve your Evolving Building to a new stage you will be able to choose which of the resources you want to produce in the next 24 hours as this Evolving Building has a switchable production. It gives Population and Culture as standard benefit and for production in the first level, you can only choose to produce Boosted Basic Standard Goods and Mana. As you evolve the building to a new stage, more production options will become available, such as Barracks Light Melee Units and Spell Fragments.

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For more information on Evolving Buildings, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Building Set

This Winter event also brings you a new Building Set - The Winter's Stage. Like previous Sets, these are special buildings that increase and add new productions when they are placed directly next to each other. This can mean that their regular production is increased, or that new productions are added once several set buildings are combined!

The buildings that are part of the Building Set are dispersed throughout the Quest Milestones and Grand Prizes lane. Collect the following 5 buildings to complete the full Building Set: Evolving Building - The Act of Giving, Revelers Banquet, Frostbeard’s Monologue, A Frosty Fugue and The Cold Corner.

The Winter's Stage

The Winter's Stage Evolving Building Set provides many different resources for your city such as: Population, Culture, Supplies, Coins, Boosted Basic Standard Goods, Mana, Barracks Light Melee Units, Spell Fragments, Divine Seeds and Training Grounds Mage Units. By completing the set, the building's set will increase the production of these resources.

For more information on Buildings Set, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Kungligt prispass

Det kungliga prispasset är en funktion som kan finnas med i de återkommande eventen i Elvenar.

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För varje steg du slutför i eventet kommer du ta ett steg närmare storpriset och dessutom ett ytterligare pris från det kungliga prispasset!

I storprisfönstret, som nås från eventfönstret om eventet använder den mekanismen, kan du se vilka priser som väntar på att bli upplåsta. För varje steg du tar genom att samla in eventvaluta, kommer du att kunna låsa upp ett nytt storpris här. Storpriset kan vara många mycket sällsynta instanser, artefakter osv.

Det kungliga prispasset ger dig kungliga storpriser som kan samlas in tillsammans med de vanliga storpriserna.

Den kungliga prisfältet blir tillgänglig genom att köpa det kungliga prispasset, och det kan du göra när som helst under eventet! Kungliga storpriser som tidigare låsts upp blir också tillgängliga närhelst du bestämmer dig för att köpa det kungliga prispasset. Genom att köpa det kungliga prispasset i detta event får du tillgång till exklusiva priser som inte finns tillgängliga någon annanstans i spelet, till exempel:

Polar Beats

Grand Prizes

The Grand Prizes Line is always the most appealing one, as this is where you can win and gather the necessary Artifacts to evolve your Evolving Building to the next stage!

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Grand Prizes include The Act of Giving Artifact, which allows you to evolve your The Act of Giving to the next stage. See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.

For every 20 Winter Gifts delivered you can collect the next available Grand Prize, which can be a precious Artifact or a unique and exclusive item such as an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!

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You can collect it when you reach the 280 Winter Gifts Winter Gifts.png Milestone on the Grand Prizes Lane.

Daily Prizes

As with past events, this event brings you wonderful and unique buildings from the event. This year you will not only have the opportunity to collect old familiar buildings, but also one brand new building - The Discordant Choir.

A Evt Shuffle Postal XXIV The Discordant Choir.png

But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Knowledge Points, Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain, Units, all kinds of Instants, Rune Shards, Goods and more, much more!

Be sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

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Vänligen notera: Alla byggnaders värde och effekt avgörs av vilket kapitel du är i när byggnaden läggs till i ditt lager. Om den beskrivna resursen inte ännu är tillgänglig kommer du att få en annan resurs istället.
Vänligen notera: Alla byggnader som producerar resurser behöver väg ansluten till Stadshuset.

Expiring Building

As usual in the Winter Magic event, when you reach the last milestone reward, you will receive an Expiring Building: The Goddess of Wishes, that will grant you a random reward every 12 hours.

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I detta event kommer du att få chansen att delta i ligor för att vinna ännu fler fantastiska priser! Att lösa uppdrag och ta dig vidare i eventet genom att samla den exklusiva Eventvalutan, hjälper dig inte bara att få fantastiska priser utan ger även framgång i ligorna.

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Det finns fem olika ligor du kan nå: Hobby, Järn, Brons, Silver och Guldliga. Varje liga kan bara ha ett visst antal spelare med de poäng som krävs för just den ligan. Om en liga redan är full blir du flyttad till den liga som är närmast under den som är full. Kom ihåg att varje liga räknas om varje timme så ge inte upp hoppet utan fortsätt kämpa och samla Eventvaluta för att kunna ta dig framåt i ligorna!

  • Hobby - Alla spelare
  • Järn - Topp 50%
  • Brons - Topp 20%
  • Silver - Topp 5%
  • Guld - Topp 1%

För Hobbyligan behöver du bara påbörja eventet men för övriga ligor behöver du ta dig vidare i eventet för att ta dig upp genom ligorna. Varje liga har ett lägsta poängkrav. Ligans krav baseras på framgången hos alla spelare som spelar eventet och kravet räknas om varje timme, så du lär märka av förändringar i vad som krävs för att komma till nästa liga. Om du håller muspekaren över ikonen för ligorna i eventfönstret kommer du att kunna se vilken rankning du har och hur mycket till som krävs för att du ska nå nästa liga.

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I ligorna finns ännu fler fantastiska priser att vinna, så som utgående byggnader, kunskapspoäng, kunglig restaurering, artefakter samt ett exklusivt porträtt som inte finns tillgängligt någon annanstans i spelet!

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Varje liga har en uppsättning häftiga belöningar och ju högre liga, desto bättre belöningar! För att vara säker på att få belöningar från den liga du önskar bör du inte ligga i botten av den ligan då du riskerar att flyttas ner en liga om någon annan går om dig.

I slutet av eventet kommer du att se ett belöningsfönster som visar din ligaposition och vilka priser du har vunnit.

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Relaterade event

I Elvenar finns det alltid en historia bakom varje händelse, och med Event är det inte annorlunda. Kolla in andra relaterade vintermagi-eventsidor så att du inte missar en enda glimt av historien om de engagerande karaktärerna!

Relaterade vintermagievent
2020 2021 2022
Forumann frames winter2020.png

Vintermagi 2020

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Vintermagi 2021

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Vintermagi 2022

2023 2024
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Vintermagi 2023

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Vintermagi 2024

Klicka på ett event för mer information om det