Djupets hamnar
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Djupets hamnar
Det kraftiga regnet faller medan horden under den nyutnämnde kungen Bruitemail och hans rådgivare Matad förbereder sig för att lämna din stad. Bruitemail berättar att detta påminner honom om en orchisk legend som hans mor brukade berätta:
"När den store ledaren offrar sig själv, kommer himlarna att börja gråta och inte sluta förrän allt är ett träsk. Detta markerar återkomsten av den Spinnande Krigsherren, orchernas gudomliga beskyddare, och början på den härliga Katastrofernas Ålder, då orcherna styr världen!"
Medan du undrar om den "Spinnande Krigsherren" är det orchiska namnet för Vallorion, når rapporter din stad om att det ihållande regnet har orsakat översvämningar i de lägre delarna av landet, särskilt i regioner nära havet.
Plötsligt inträffar en jordbävning i din stad, och därefter verkar regnet upphöra. Du upptäcker en spricka i marken som snabbt fylls med vatten och skapar en ny sjö nära din stad. Orch-horden lämnar din stad.
Kort därefter anländer Valara och berättar om en helt förstörd hob-bosättning som låg vid stranden, och alla invånare har försvunnit. Du fruktar det värsta. Medan Valara hämtar andan undersöker du den nya sjön i närheten. Till allas förvåning upptäcks en märklig ubåt i mitten av sjön som nästan verkar falla isär.
"Vad i all världen? Är det här en val med en jättelik ryggsäck?"
Valara recognizes the animal as Kokei, the whale of the Harbour Halflings. When you hear knocking noises and shouts coming from within its "backpack", you quickly send an emergency team to force open its stuck hatch. Halflings come out of it, exhausted, panicking, but also infinitely relieved. Apparently, there are underwater caverns and tunnels below the new lake. The Halflings used them to escape from their home town, which is the one that was destroyed recently by the flood. These Halflings have a somewhat different lifestyle than the Halflings you knew so far. They are fishermen and live in harmony with giant creatures such as the whale Kokei, with whom they travel over and below the seas, hunting fish and searching for sunken resources and treasures.
When the tide came, the villagers took refuge in the large backpack of Kokei, which they call the "Sea Saddle", and tried to escape to higher ground through the underground tunnels that run through the mainland of Elvenar and connect many lakes. But just a few hours after they left, the devastating earthquake struck, which also caused parts of the vault to collapse and severely damaged the submarine. Luckily, Kokei somehow managed to bring them back to the surface in the newly created lake. He is injured, the Sea Saddle is severely damaged, and their home is devastated as well... They are stuck! Of course, you decide to help them out of their misery.
Valara calls for her friends Phinolina and Jolo to help build up a kind of refugee camp - where Kokei can recover, and you can repair the Sea Saddle, while producing the stuff the Harbour Halflings will need to rebuild their village. Jolo, the best known farmer of the "country-side" Halflings, comes up with the idea to produce Canned Goods - to be prepared in case more catastrophes hit your city, and also to provide enough provisions for his friends in need. As soon as Kokei feels better, and you manage to repair the Sea Saddle, the Halflings will start to carefully do dives with it, to collect resources from the caverns and sea, which will greatly speed up their other productions. These trips however, need provisions for the participants (Canned Goods) and of course some food for Kokei. Also, every tour needs another special ingredient for a successful yield, so there is lots of stuff to do!
Eventually, the Sea Saddle can not only be fully repaired, but even improved beyond its original version. You reach the point where the Harbour Halflings feel safe to go back to their village and start rebuilding it. Lady Zaida of the Gourmet Guild arrives at your town, since she heard about the exquisite sea food the Harbour Halflings produce. She offers a variety of very lucrative deals to you, while flirting heavily with your trader.
Meleuka, the Arcanologist disguised as the dragon of Warlady Bashuruk, comes back to your town. She reports that she could secretly save King Diabhal from being sacrificed. She secretly took him to a ship drifting on the sea and left him there. But your oblations to Vallorian made him apparently strong enough to summon floods and earthquakes, which he probably caused in his wrath when he realized that his most precious prey Diabhal had escaped. As there is no way for mortals, not even for powerful Sorcerers, to fight such divine power, she recommends seeking help from the forest god Enar. When Xandra of the Elvenar arrives and dismisses "all the rumours" about the gods, despite all that has happened, Meleuka senses something shady she wants to discuss with Dean Durcu...
Settlement Resources
As usual, a new Chapter introduces new special, specific resources. These special resources are used to unlock new Technologies, produce other Settlement Resources, and to upgrade some buildings of the Chapter itself. Let's see the list of resources, where you can produce them, and their specifications:
- Seafood
- It is produced in the Fossil Canyon.
- It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree and as a production cost option to produce Lure Weed in Whale Bay.
- Shore Fish
- It is produced in the Fishing Spot.
- It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree and as a production cost option to produce Garden Eels in Whale Bay.
- Kelp Fruits
- It is produced in the Kelp Farm.
- It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree and as a production cost option to produce Sea Sponges in Whale Bay.
- Cave Salt
- It is produced in the Desalination Plant.
- It is used to unlock Technologies in the Research Tree and as a production cost option to produce Deep Sea Snails in Whale Bay.
- Luminous Shrimps
- This is the only capped Resource of the Chapter.
- It can be produced in the Fossil Canyon, Fishing Spot, Kelp Farm and Desalination Plant and is used as a production cost to produce all the available resources in the Whale Bay.
- Deep Sea Snails
- It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
- It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Seafood in Fossil Canyon.
- Lure Weed
- It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
- It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Shore Fish in Fishing Spot.
- Garden Eels
- Sea Sponges
- It is produced in the Whale Bay from level 2 onwards.
- It is used as one of the production cost options to produce Cave Salt in Desalination Plant.
Canned Goods
Från och med Kapitel XXII - Djupets hamnar, kan Konserverade varor produceras i Verkstäder som uppgraderats till kapitlets nivå.
24h-produktionen "Verktygslåda" kommer att ersättas av produktion av Konserverade varor. Produktionen kräver Förnödenheter och Gemenskapsarbete och tar 9h att slutföras.
På samma sätt som Mynt, Förnödenheter och Gemenskapsarbete kan Konserverade varor boostas av Kultur.
Notera: Precis som andra specialresurser förfaller Konserverade varor med 10% under natten. |
Slutligen: Även om Konserverade varor har introducerats i Kapitel XXII - Djupets hamnar, är det inte exklusivt för kapitlet. Det kommer att vara en konstant resurs i spelet från och med nu. |
Kom ihåg att från och med Kapitel XXI - Den Vallorianska Legenden, introducerades Välstånd.
Välstånd får du av Stadshuset, Barack, Bostäder och Verkstäder från kapitel XXI och framåt.
Välstånd behövs för att kunna bygga och uppgradera vissa av kapitlets byggnader. Vill du veta mer om denna speciella resurs besök den dedikerade sidan om detta.
Harbours of the Deep Buildings
Djupets hamnar byggnader | |||||